Overview of Bias in Newton High School History Class Material

Numerous items of material used in high school history classes in both Newton high schools contain bias against Israel and Jews. Much of the language used in this material meets the definition of 'antisemitism' used by the U.S. and 31 other nations as well as the '3-D' test devised by Natan Sharansky. Some of the material consists almost entirely of bias and inaccuracies. Other material is copied directly from the websites of radical and/or terror groups, including the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO). Students are not informed of the source of these materials or presented with competing texts or ideas. Some material containing extensive bias and misrepresentation is specifically described as "neutral".

The biased material included in this website, the Verity Educate Report, and CAMERA book is not used to compare competing narratives, for discussion purposes, or as examples of bias; instead, it is presented to students as fact. (At least one biased text was found to be used as a basis for discussion, not as fact; that text is not included in the Verity Educate, CAMERA, or other reports, and is not included in this website).

Bias is not limited to falsehoods about Israel and Jews, some material has anti-Arab and/or anti-Muslim bias as well. One book excerpt describes pre-Muslim Arab society as "pious but barbaric"; another claims that spousal abuse is condoned by Islamic law (not all Islamic authorities agree with this interpretation).

Following is some of the worst material used in Newton high school history classes. All of them contain inaccurate, biased, and anti-Israel/anti-semitic statements - not one or two passages, but large amounts. Some of the material consists almost entirely of inaccuracies.

Keep in mind that this is only a small sample of inaccurate and/or biased material recently or currently used in Newton high school history classes. We have chosen these examples because the inaccuracies and/or bias are in plain view; no special knowledge is required to understand why the material is unsuitable.

Many other examples of class materials that mislead students and their parents are in the Bias against Israel and Jews, and Bias against Arabs and Muslims sections of this website.